Monday, April 4, 2011

Missoula Signs

More for the Signs project. So far these are just the digital. When I get the film back I'll have more.


  1. Hey Amanda. My absolute favorite by far is the 20th one down - arrow on the right, branches on the bottom and power lines on the top. I love this one. It seems simpler (less busy) but yet it evokes a very specific mood for me. However, it seems like maybe there's some "ghosting" around the arrow? Not sure, but it looks like maybe you darkened the sky around the subject but it could just be my eyes. :)

  2. Thanks Leslie! Actually I didn't do any photoshop work to that image. I only did a little contrast change in most of them. The less busy are quickly becoming my favorites as well. Thanks for the post and I'll def keep the simple in mind when shooting more.
