Sunday, December 6, 2009

Senior Photo Show Coming Soon!!!

Don't forget to come to the Emerson Ballroom for the SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW. December 15 6-10pm.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pizza and Pancakes

here are a few pages from my Cookbook that will be totally revealed at the Senior show.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chocolate Marble Cake

Here is my Aunt Kari's recipe for chocolate marble cake, slightly modified for my cookbook.

Last Wednesday's Sky

Last Wednesday night there was a very cool sky overhead around 8:30 ish. For those that missed it here's a couple of shots.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

WHCC Book Question

Does anyone know if you are supposed to put in your own book spine on the cover template from WHCC??? The template has those safe guides on it and the spine looks tiny so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to add in my text or if WH does it? Anyone, Anyone? Jackson you would know yeah?

FYI for those of you considering books as well....WHCC books are amazing. the color, the paper, the cover, and I guess they to you in 2 days like prints. Blurb is fine if you have time but a lot of us are going to need that extra time to work on our books so if you're doing a book I highly suggest using WH, especially since the holidays are coming and it's Blurb's busiest time of year.

Wildhorse Island

Flathead Lake (Dayton)
Wildhorse Island
Spring 2009
Canon 5D Mark II

Flathead lake is probably the most gorgeous lake to see in late spring. The water isn't quite up all the way yet from the spring run-off and the lake is like glass. That is unusual for Flathead Lake since it's usually pretty rough all the time and calm at night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Signs is a project from the advanced digital class I took at MSU. I made the project into a blurb book. It is a project I plan to continue.

SIGNS project

Slow Mo

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cookbook Cover for Senior

Here is my cookbook cover I photographed today for my senior project. I wanted to show both an organic and conventionally grown strawberry next to the other to show the difference in looks. I wanted the conventionally grown strawberry to overpower the organic berry and sort of look like it is a bully to the smaller berry. The back of the cover is what is left of both strawberries after they are eaten to show that I still don't have a bias against one or the other and that both are edible and delicious.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ben & Christine's Wedding

Wedding Book (page mock-up)

So here is a mock up I did for a customer regarding their wedding book. I just wanted to get some feedback on this to see what everyone thinks. The book will be 11x14 in final size.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Apple Pie

My First Apple Pie! From my Grandmother's recipe. I baked and photographed this for my senior project. The entire pie was created with Organic products. My project this semester is The Debate (Organic/Non-Organic) A small cookbook with photographs and information will be the final product.

Summer Fun!

These are a few of my favorite images from my Family Hawaiian weekend at the lake! So much fun.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thank You Images for Mr. & Mrs. Shreve

Hey Christine! Here are the 3 best images of the car. So far the first one is my favorite, and here is why. I think that we could probably photoshop Thank You into the license plate for you. Might be kinda fun and unique. I'll burn a disc for you too. Let me know K.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is a MotoX girl from the Flathead Valley. She posed for me simply to help me build my portfolio. This shoot was tons of fun. I highly recomend that photographers ask friends to pose them to keep them fresh and in the game.